At HOTEL ASSEMBLY we offer you the best-star like services and facilities as well as the traditional warmth and hospitality of the Hmalayan Foothills. So whenever you are in Shillong on business or for holiday, step in at HOTEL ASSEMBLY and make yourself feel at home. HOTEL ASSEMBLYS amazing comfort and service offers you everything you could ever want in a holiday. When you are in Hotel Assembly you are on the way to a most rewarding experience of your life.
HOTEL ASSEMBLY (Just the Right Place ) as popularly known, is in the heart of the town at Kyndailad (Police Bazar). This place is well known for its comfortable rooms fitted with modern amenities, incomparable service, and most hygienic restaurant “THE GRANARY†and permit room “THE WELLâ€. THE CENTRAL HALL where once can organize parties, conferences, seminars, workshops apart from dance evening, DJ-nites or any live shows for 150 to 200 people. We also arrange sound system, lights, projection system with screen etc on demand.